Friday, November 21, 2008

the waiting is the hardest part

"Don't Let em Kill you babe...dont let em get to you"

Sage advice from Mr.Tom Petty that has come in handy in the last few weeks of the class. It's been interesting to see how grading and observation of students in the DL environment can be both subjective and objective given the situations. I think that the primary cause for the subjectivity in the assessment phase has been that there has been no online, real time contact with each other. In prior semesters classes that I have taken online, we've had at least 1-2 sessions in which we have used chat, voice chat, or technology like Second Life in order to have some real time interactions. While I think that some would view this as not in the core interest of DL education, I think that anytime you can have class while in your living room wearing fluffy bunny slippers, the better your education is going to turn out.

I think that this type of real time activity would be great to help us judge where people are coming doesnt always come through from the written post or email as well as from real live experience.

as far as my paper goes, I'm making some progress. I've always been concerned with the political climate we have these days affecting how we learn, and with the advent of the widespread use of distance learning and web based learning it has made me crazy to think what could be posted on the web that could be used against you.

Academic Freedom, for me, is one of the pillars of defense of the democracy, and in out current age of technology we need to take steps to see that it stays that way. With a sweep of the mouse, you can find any number of things that were written either by or about academics and in some cases that has been used to level claims of terrorism or being unpatriotic. I'm not going to get into the vitriol here...but it's a serious issue that demands serious attention.

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