Saturday, November 15, 2008

Random Topic for class or Journal Post #7

Well this week I think that I learned something that was totally unintended...the power of assumption. The negative power of assumption that is.

in many ways, the last few months have been a struggle for me to move into a place where I think I should be in many areas of my life. Like many people these days, there is a certain degree of financial stress, demands from the workplace that seem unreasonable, and a never ending pull on my time that seems to come from every direction except the one that I want at the time.

So with this seeming pull in every direction from the beast we know as stress, i fell victim to the wide eyed beast of assumption. In the last assignment, I thought that I know what was coming from the web site, and wrote the page on the basis that my audience knew what I was trying to do. For a moment there, I went away from what I knew, which was that this was an online web piece in which online learners were going to be drawn in to by the sheer draw of the subject matter.

That was was my assumption, and it really screwed up what I was trying to do, because if there is any hard and fast rule that should be followed in anything, especially education, it is that we should never think that just because we know who or what we are talking to, or about that everyone or anyone else will. We as educators must follow three rules- know thyself, know your audience, and know your audiences position as well as your own. This is the stuff of true learning- whether in the online classroom or in a physical building.

By not identifying or tailoring my assignment to a particular group, I took a step toward thinking that people would "get" my ideas just because they are there. That is a critical problem, and not only lost direction and audience, but it also lost some of the creative process that is so necessary to stimulating the critical thought that I was trying to gather in the project.

Long story cost me some points, but delievered a lesson that I can use in the future. I think it's a draw at this point.

more to come....thanks for reading.

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