Friday, April 30, 2010

Finally Friday

Well it's Friday, and my quest for SAP knowledge in Montreal is drawing to a close. I've gotten some good classwork in this week, and still managed to spend sometime working...OK, more time working than I wanted to have to deal with...but it's a living.

The nice thing about the SAP Basis job is that it's a lot like the work I did both at UT and The Andersons administering the Banner and Baan software systems. SAP just seems alot bigger and more imposing.

Montreal is a beautiful city, and other than freezing my buns off the other day when it went from a springy 60 to 20 and snowing in about 12 hours (that will teach me to leave my coat at home.) It's been nice to see the old city, see what the Forum has turned into (good bye hockey...hello Movie Theater) and to see some old friends and their new families.

What's most interesting to me about Canada though is the Canadians...such a reasonable group of people. Now I see on the news that there is a group of lawmakers and activists who are following the Lee Atwater/Karl Rove handbook to a Tee, and trying to divide and conquer anyone who doesn't look or sound like them. However, most of the people I've seen up here seem to legitimately want to look out for one another. They care about rights and how the world might visualize their actions- in fact, it seems that the only disagreement i've seen up here has been the occasional arguments about how far "Les Habitants" will advance in the Stanley Cup playoffs.

So thank you's been nice to visit a place which still seems to have it's wits about it. It's nice to see a sane country without the need for shouting over tea.It's been nice, but now it's time to go home and hear stories about Chelsie's junior prom.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Random Idiots Speed My Day Along

Spencer Pratt is an idiot....

But OK, he's a harmless idiot, with no apparent following other than 16 year old viewers of "The Hills" but apparently that gives him license to become a social critic...take the example of the new video from M.I.A called "Born Free."

Now I'll caution all of you with weak's a rough video to watch, and it's taking on a brutal set of topics in it's treatment of racism, genocide, and the tactics of the police state. No, it's not set in modern day Arizona, but the scary thing is that it could be. We are so dense anymore to the erosion of the basic right that make up our cherished freedoms that we are all to willing to give them away to the first carnival barker or tea salesman that comes along and frightens us with a story about people who are different.

Now in my neighborhood, the police haven't come busting down the doors looking for redheads....but they didn't do that in Germany in the early 1930's. It took some time before "papers please" became a yellow star affixed to your chest, and the seizure of your property because you were different.

In many ways, I assume this video mimics M.I.A's own experience growing up in Sri Lanka, where the government oppressed her family and the Tamil people for most of her life. I would think that these types of things are very real to her, and should serve as a modern day warning to those who think it's ok to discriminate and round up people who are different. Even if it's politically expedient, it's never right to legislate hate and discrimination...and yes, that one was for Arizona.

Anyway, that brings me back to my buddy and noted social critic Spencer Pratt...apparently Spence was a little bored sitting in the waiting room for his wife's latest plastic surgery adventure and he tweeted this little gem about MIA:

"The music artist MIA should be kicked out of America today for using the US flag on her Nazi like hit squad in her new music video!"

Are you kidding me?

So if you make a statement which offends Spencer-look out, you'll be joining the people who the police think might be illegal in Arizona and be run out on a rail.

Spence...buddy, stick to what you know best (whatever the hell that is) and leave the thinking that involves the firing on more than one synapse to the rest of us.

The way to open debate on something that offends you, is to talk about it, to rally against it and move public opinion using the ways of the pen and the lectern...not to simply escort the offensive ideas out of the nation....or as MIA shows us...out to the desert. If you think that there isn't a very short correlation between what MIA artistically presents and what is going on in the world today...please, turn off "The Hills" and turn on the real world.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Back for More

As you can probably tell, I originally posted to this blog as a means of passing my educational Technology Class back in "Ought Eight" but then class got fun with the kids getting older, and the job at UT getting tougher, and with things in general getting a lot busier.

So in some ways, I got away from doing what I like to do- writing. I've done the Facebook thing, and I've posted to other blogs...but it's never really been the same. Essentially, I put my curiosity and thoughts on hold- and with the current state of American Politics (still my passion) that's been really tough for me to work through.

I've had a lot of thoughts in the past year or so, but little inspiration to write them down. I've had little inspiration to explore what is going on inside my head and the thoughts on what our system is devolving into have basically just staid in my head. I've watched the group of friends that I went into my PhD program finish their degrees, or move on to other adventures...but i'm still here, and i'm still full of ideas. I think it's time to ignore the writers block of the last 16 months or so and start sharing my thoughts again.

Look out world...I feel inspired again.

So what should anyone who has the misfortune of stumbling across this going to see...well just what the title implies...Rambling Meddlings and Endless Banter from the liberal mind. I try not to close off discussion from any point of view, I mean in the grand scheme of's not the point if you want a free flow of ideas and a way for ideas to be shared. Everyone, as one of my professors signs his email responses "is entitled to their own wrong opinion."

There's lots to discuss...i'll be back with some first steps soon.